Barry, Lana and I went to Sackville while Mike stayed back with a cold. It is a sweet little town of 12,000 that has the Tantramar Marshes where you can view waterfowl and songbirds at the Waterfowl Park. Sackville also has Mount Allison University which increases their population by 2,000 each year and are clearly embraced by the community. When we went to the Bridge Street Cafe for lunch, we enjoyed being surrounded by students working

on their laptops and practising lines from a play.
There are over 3 km of winding boardwalks and trails that allow close-up viewing of the wetland h

As you can see, the trees are starting to turn crimson. While we were walking by, hundreds of red-winged blackbirds flew in to nestle into this marsh.

Can't resist a picture of a covered bridge - they are so cute.

I could not believe the beauty of these birch trees, that grow wild everywhere, framing the boardwalk. What a great walk!

We visited the Campbell Carriage Factory Museum and from 1855 to 1951 the Campbell family of Sackville produced top quality buggies, wagons and sleighs for generations of Maritimers. It was interesting to see authentic patterns, tools and hardware on display.

This piano box carriage with spindle seat was built here.

This 1870's hearse was used for decades on Prince Edward Island.

The winter hearse on bobbed sleds was also used for decades on PEI.

This wicker coffin was used to transport bodies to funeral homes. Brings new meaning to "he's a basket case".
My last post didn't show up so you may end up with 2 but what I said was that I LOVE the first picture, the colors are so beautiful and the church so quaint. I think Barry should paint a picture of it when he gets home....Rose