Leaving Benson this morning we soon drove through Tucson which, although it is a big city, is very spread out and as we approached we could see a brown haze over it. Glad we are not staying there with such poor air qualit

Just outside Tucson in the Sonora Desert is the famed Airplane Graveyard-Bone Yard at Davis Monthan Airforce Base. This is where the U.S. Air Force mothballs planes until they either need them again or it's time to salvage them for parts. They are all capable of being returned to service if the need ever arises. It's difficult to comprehend the size of the 'Bone yard' and the number of aircraft stored there.
Remember - Each one of these babies had a multimillion dollar price.

Crossed a section of desert with a 'forest' of Saguaro Cacti. We also saw some cotton fields when getting close to Yuma - I didn't know that they grew cotton in Arizona. I was also told that Yuma and Florida supply almost all the produce for the states. We saw huge produce farms on the way in to Yuma - it's amazing what they can grow once they add water to this desert area.

We arrived at Yuma and with 85F, it was time to sit back and relax. Notice Barry ended up with 2 rum and coke and Lana is singing "2 pina colatas, one for each hand" (ok I guess she was holding mine while I took the picture).
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