As we drove towards Nashville, Tennessee, it was very windy and then torrential rain hit us. We have never encountered rain like this, you could hardly see the fogline on the right to guide us along the Interstate 40, but we had to keep going as there was nowhere to pull off. The temperature went from 85F to 65F to 85F and back to 65F within 30 minutes. When we arrived in Nashville we found out that they had had tornado warnings – glad we did not know that while we were driving! The KOA in Nashville, on Music Valley Drive, is a beautiful 440-site campground and they named each street with country music legends. We were on on Tammy Wynette Blvd (next to Dolly Parton ), how cute! While the boys were outside, Lana and I signed us up for a dinner show for that night and also got tickets to the Grand Ole Opry.

We all enjoyed a very good southern style buffet (fried chicken and BBQ a must!) and "Best of Country Music" production at the Nashville Nightlife Theater. Brenda Best was one of the performers and sang from her new album. The musicians were very talented and it was a great show.

Really enjoyed the comedian, Steve Hall, and his puppet "Shotgun Red". He had been on the "He Haw" show and was extremely funny while never having to swear or be vulgar.

Lots of fun and laughs, we were sure glad we went!

Sept 11 we visited the Opry Mills Mall, a huge shopping centre then walked over to the Gayland Opryland Hotel. I have never seen such a beautiful hotel. The "Delta River" runs in a circle through it and a sign said the "Blending of the River" is made up of water from more than 1700 sites around the world. You can take a boat ride through the hotel on it.

Lana and me sitting at one of the many water features in the hotel.

There are palm trees, ferns, orchids, and waterfalls throughout the hotel's centre. The rooms have balonies facing the center of the hotel to enjoy the tropical setting.

This spot was set for a wedding that was to happen shortly.

More waterfalls - it felt like we were walking somewhere in Hawaii.

The boys decided it was also a great place to sit back with a coffee.
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